Oriental white-eye

Oriental white-eye,Photo: Asif Ishtiaque

শ্বেতাক্ষী/বাবুনাই/চশমা টুনি/ উদয়ি ধলা চোখ

Zosterops palpebrosus, (Temminck, 1824)

রাজ্য / Kingdom: Animalia
বর্গ / Order: Passeriformes
পরিবার / Family: Zosteropidae
গন / Genus: Zosterops
প্রজাতি / Species: Z. palpebrosus, (Temminck, 1824)

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It’s a hyperactive little bird with a yellowish olive upperparts. It has got  distinctive white eye ring and yellow throat and vent. It’s belly is whitish grey.

They are highly arboreal. Hunts for small insects and nectar forming flocks. Their habitat is wide ranging from scrub to moist forests and also in mangroves.


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